Sarasota Club de Petanque is going to Host the National Mixed Doubles on March 29th and the Men's and Women's Doubles on March 30th.
Here is some Info sent in by Christian Bousquet, Sarasota club member:
Hampton Inn, 5995 Cattleridge RD [corner bee ridge and cattleman next to I-75, phone: 941-371-1900
Directions to Lakeview Park: Turn left on Bee Ridge ,right on Middlesex,left on Maunaloa,right on Lago, on the first curve is Lakeview park, continue alongside the park until the next parking lot on the left.
Comfort Inn, 5778 Clark Road [Next to I-75] phone # 941-921-7750
Direction to Lakeview Park:Turn Right on Gan, Right on Proctor , over I-75,next flashing lite left [at Baptist Church],
Lakeview park is 1 mille on the right
These two are about 5 minutes from Lakeview park . Lakeview Park's address is 7150 Lago Street if you want to Google or Mapquest it, or you can use these map views of the Area and Courts.
Read on for the registration forms and dinner information.