Follow this link for further information:
Joe Zajac from the Michigan Petanque Club is organizing the Guinness World Records Attempt on May 23-25th 2008 in Rochester, Michigan. The event will be held during the tremendously popular Rochester Heritage Festival where he and other participants will attempt to pass the German record of 40 hours 9 minutes, and continue onward towards playing the longest Boule Marathon for 48 hours straight.Guidelines from London (headquarters for Guinness World Records) lay out a modified doublette configuration with a third "alternate" player standing by for a maximum of 2 hours rest time. (more details will be posted to the World Record Attempt website: http://www.petanquealliance.com/
Joe is looking for some Crazy dedicated petanque players who are willing to give up two days of sleep for this cause.
Here are some additional guidelines:
- Any FPUSA member is welcome.
- Space is very limited as the World Record Attempt will be occuring in the midst of a very popular and busy event (Heritage Festival), so first come first serve. Juan, Mario, Loi and Mamari are filling a court already...
- Hotel not needed, obviously, for the entire time as everyone participating has to do the whole 48 hours (Friday & Saturday rest periods (5 minutes (bankable) per hour for rest/breaks) will be spent on the courts). Sunday night accomodations/celebration is in the works...
- There might be a small participation fee requested to help pay for a GUINNESS RECORD shirt for the teams to wear (there's gong to be plenty of media present) - These kinds of details to be determined later.
- Local sponsors will provide food (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
- Participating Record Breaking Teams will get to determine a portion of the written entry for the Guinness World Record Book.
- During the Record Attempt, there will be a score/point tally for all games resulting in various contests and prizes!
If you have any questions contact Joe Zajac for more Information, and check out the website: www.petanquealliance.com and the blogsite: Petanque World Record for the latest developments.